Is your organization LEAN & AGILE? (Hehsed Digital Human Capital Part 2)

Is your company leveraging on both LEAN and AGILE to achieve higher speed to market and efficiencies?

The basic definition of LEAN is to maximise Customer Value by reducing or minimizing waste. Therefore, understanding the whole Customer Experience and Customer Value Chain is even more critical to achieve the knowledge, system, process, tools and platform required to offer the LEAN benefits.

LEAN framework is a consistent way of thinking and executing productivity through good management of processes, resources, workflow and assets. Creating value at every step is then so critical to ensure value is enhanced but not compromising on the customer experience. In fact, it is the “Outside In” approach that states customers dictate everything that is run “inside” the organization providing the product and services. Customer experience and their journey should be well analysed, explored and understood to ensure a clear understanding to drive the right value stream in the LEAN methodology.

Agile methodology provides the rapid feedback loop that allows “rapid test” and “fail fast” benefits, which self correct errors and improves the solution as a result. However, there is less emphasis on cross team collaboration whereas LEAN framework provides. LEAN provides that holistic emphasis on each value stream that concurrently and simultaneously uses output demand to determine the right change needed.

Integrating the LEAN framework, with Agile methodology and centre around the human capital to provide the best customer experience and leveraging the right digital assets will be the way to go for companies wanting to stay ahead of their competition.

LEAN and AGILE were traditionally meant for large and complex organizations as the volume, micro-value chains and multiples of product development requires their application. However, I am in position that the concept, thinking and execution in the form of the “way of life” in the working environment can be applied to any organization even for smaller ones. This transforms the culture and make every individual to be very “switched on” thus providing the critical and vital link, in the whole scheme of things, to make the entire organization effective, productive, efficient and highly customer-centric. Often the payoffs will be high as a result of their implementation.

Please feel free to contact me to further discuss on the topic and any feedback welcome!

Francis Goh

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